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"Science" careers piece on distance education

Dear PPS People,

I hope that those of you who are doing the projects are getting on well
with them. Please do let Dave Houldershaw or me know if you have any
queries about how they should be submitted.

I am sorry to have to do this in the middle of the projects, but I need to
ask some of you a favour. We have been approached by Sciences NextWave,
which (for those of you who don't know it) is a career development website
for young scientists. They are putting together a piece on distance
learning in science and would like to feature the PPS course. The deadline
is towards end of this month.

They would particularly like to talk to students who have taken, or are
taking, PPS about this way of learning. So, we would be very grateful if
one or two of you could find the time to talk to Science's Kirsty Urquhart
briefly about your experiences with the course this year. It would be best
if you could email her first to fix a time to talk. Her email address is
<kurquhart@science-int.co.uk> and she can also be reached by phone on +44
1223 326500. She would particularly like to talk to students from outside
the UK.

Thank you very much indeed!

Best wishes,

Dr. Clare Sansom
Course developer, Principles of Protein Structure